Data Protection

Personal Data Protection and Treatment Policy

  1. Applicable Regulations

GHL is committed to complying with current regulations in Colombia regarding the protection of personal data, through an established program aimed at having appropriate, effective, and verifiable measures (Demonstrated Responsibility). Below are the main regulations that have been linked to our policies and manuals:

  • Article 15 of the Political Constitution of Colombia
  • Law 1581 of 2012
  • Regulatory Decrees:
    • Decree 1377 of 2013
    • Decree 1074 of 2015
  1. Responsible Party (holder) of the Personal Data Bank
  • Holding Hotelera GHL S.A.S

    • NIT: 901580112 2
    • Central Office: Calle 72 # 6-30, Bogotá – Colombia
    • Phone: +57 3139333
  • OPCO S.A.S

    • NIT: 90159009 3
    • Central Office: Calle 72 # 6-30, Bogotá – Colombia
    • Phone: +57 3139333
  1. Definitions

Transmission: Processing of Personal Data that involves their communication to a third party, when such communication is intended for processing by the Processor on behalf and under the instructions of the Controller, to fulfill the purposes of the latter.

Privacy Notice: Means the verbal or written communication generated by the Controller and addressed to the Data Subject, informing them of the existence of the Personal Data Treatment Policy applicable to them, how to access it, and the purposes of the Personal Data Processing.

Processing of Personal Data of children and/or adolescents: GHL will process the Personal Data of a minor under 18 years of age, provided that there is prior, express, and informed consent from parents or legal guardians. In these cases, parents or legal guardians may change or revoke the Authorization as described in this Policy.

  1. Handling Requests, Inquiries, and Claims:

The quality assurance area is responsible for handling requests from Data Subjects to enforce their rights.

  1. Response Time for Inquiries or Requests

Inquiries will be addressed within a maximum of ten (10) business days from the date of receipt. If it is not possible to address the inquiry within this period, the interested party will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date by which the inquiry will be addressed, which will not exceed five (5) business days following the expiration of the initial term.

GHL will respond to requests within a maximum of fifteen (15) business days from the day following the date of receipt. If it is not possible to address the request or claim within this period, GHL will inform the interested party of the reasons for the delay and the date by which the request or claim will be addressed, a date that will not exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the initial term.

  1. Validity and Changes

This Annex to the personal data processing policy is approved on May 22, 2024, from which date it is applicable.

This Policy may be modified by GHL as necessary without prior notice, provided that such modifications are not substantial. Otherwise, they will be communicated in advance to the Data Subjects.

La Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales de GHL ha sido traducida automáticamente desde el español a otros idiomas utilizando CHAT GPT. El texto oficial es la versión en español, disponible AQUÍ

La traducción realizada por inteligencia artificial puede contener inexactitudes, errores o afirmaciones incorrectas. GHL Hoteles no es responsable de las traducciones generadas por inteligencia artificial y, por lo tanto, no garantiza la exactitud ni la fiabilidad de dichas traducciones. La traducción realizada por inteligencia artificial no debe considerarse como exacta, certificada, oficial, autorizada ni respaldada por GHL Hoteles.

GHL Hoteles no se responsabiliza por cualquier pérdida directa o indirecta, daño u otro perjuicio resultante de cualquier inexactitud, error o afirmación incorrecta presente en la traducción generada por inteligencia artificial.

Cualquier discrepancia o diferencia entre la traducción realizada por inteligencia artificial y la versión en español oficial no será vinculante ni tendrá efectos legales para ningún propósito, incluidos, entre otros, el cumplimiento o la aplicación de normas. El titular de los datos personales utilizará la traducción realizada con inteligencia artificial bajo su propio riesgo.

Al usar la traducción generada por inteligencia artificial, el titular de los datos personales comprende y acepta la totalidad de lo aquí establecido. En caso de dudas sobre la exactitud o fiabilidad de la información, se deberá consultar la versión oficial en español en AQUÍ

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